Absturz geschah um 11.06 am 26 März 1936.
Um 11 Uhr wurde Amecameca überflogen.
Die Geschwindigkeit dürfte bei 120 kmh gelegen haben.
New York Times berichtete am 28 März 1936
"For reasons which will never be known the pilot turned in the direction of Amecameca and in some unaccountable way lost control when making the manouvre."
an anderer Stelle hiess es: "While it is impossible to say with certainty that there was no mechanical failure, yet from the looks of the clearing where the plane was found it is thought that had there been motor failure the pilot would not have attempted to land, since by gliding two or three hundred yards he could have entered the valley of Amecameca at sufficient altitude to enable him in make a safe landing".
ebenso kann gelesen werden:
"mexican Ministry of Communications said it was believed the pilot. at the request of the passengers flew unusually close to the volcanoes to permit the tourists to take pictures".
Die Absturzstelle befindet sich recht weit von den Vulkanen, so dass Zweifel an dieser Aussage bestehen.
Der damalige Minister für Kommunikationen und Transport war
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