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Necessary to drain and clean strainers... under no circumstances should operators become lax in cleaning the fuel system |
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das Aussetzen eines der drei Motoren hat erhebliche Folgen auf die Steuerungsmöglichkeiten |
Denn im Bericht der New York Times zum Absturz am 26 März 1936 bei Amecameca (Mexiko) bei dem Adolf Fürst zu Schaumburg Lippe und seine Ehefrau ums Leben kamen (samt 12 weiterer Mitfliegende) hiess es, dass Augenzeugen gehört hätten, wie es zu Fehlzündungen kam. Ds bedeutet dass mindestens ein Motor Aussetzer hatte.
New York Times wrote the 28 of march 1936
"For reasons which will never be known the pilot turned in the direction of Amecameca and in some unaccountable way lost control when making the manouvre."
"While it is impossible to say with certainty that there was no mechanical failure, yet from the looks of the clearing where the plane was found it is thought that had there been motor failure the pilot would not have attempted to land, since by gliding two or three hundred yards he could have entered the valley of Amecameca at sufficient altitude to enable him in make a safe landing".
NEW YORK TIMES 27.3.1936, "Heard engines miss fire. Observers in this little town of Amecameca, watched the giant air kiner falter as the pilots sought altitude to fly over the pass. Then they heard the engines miss fire. A few minutes later, after the plane had circled the little mountain twice its pilot pointed toward Mexiko D.F, but slithered down among the rocky crap of the saddle between the two volcanoes."
"The plane said a witness, of the accident, passed over the town of Amecameca flying low when it was between the volcanoes it apparently developed engine trouble, for it circled as if the pilot intended to return to the landing field. Suddenly the ship became enveloped in smoke and it crashed with great speed to the earth and burned completely."
The flight was a flight from Mexicana de Aviacion, a subsidiary of Pan American Airways.
Wenn man das Handbuch liest wird deutlich, dass es viele Manipulationsmöglichkeiten gab.
Und dieses Handbuch konnte ab 1929 auch käuflich erworben werden...
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Cerro Venacho |
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